WOOT WOOT I’M ON A BLOG š But please note, alas:
My artistic muse never fails to show up in the wee, early morning hours (12:53am to be exact). Oops. THIS HAPPENS. A LOT. Not all the time, no. Whether it be writing, drawing, painting (usually watercolors), coloring, etc., this often happens at night. I can’t count how many times I’ve stayed up till at least 3-4am working on some creative project. Truth be told, my artistic muse can be, frankly, a b%&*%! Always showing up at the most inconevenient hours…or maybe not. I’m a night owl by nature, and if it’s a beautiful day, I’d much rather be outside—you guessed it—running. Hence part of the title of this blog. Cool stuff.
May I point out: I never stayed up that late in college while working on essays, speeches, sufriendo los examenes (from the Spanish phrase “sufrir un examen” or literally “to suffer an exam”). When it comes to personal, free time projects, I let the night muse direct me, versus my academic, get-it-done self.
I’d write more, but I’m ready to turn in (I spent some time polishing up the format of this blog). I look forward now to the actual writing portion. Stay tuned, let’s see what the night owl muse will start cranking out…