“For 2020, I’ll be running the Insane Inflatable 5k with my GJ Adventure Tribe, in May; so excited! I’ve also been itching to run a half marathon again, so I’m thinking of Grand Valley Half Marathon, also in May. I do know for certain I want to run a trail race or two, I just need to do some research for upcoming events...” —from my previous post Run Report: A Look Back, and 2020 Goals
Well, as you can imagine, none of the above happened. We all know how 2020 went, no need to go into painful detail…

With regards to running, however, this hobby experienced a resurgence, as folks turned to racking up miles on the pavement and trails, as both a physical and mental outlet from the chaos of ’20. With gyms closed and exercise classes cancelled, the lure of running prompted many, from intermittent runners to first timers, to lace up their sneakers and head outside. Those who had sworn off and detested running suddenly flocked to their local running stores, seeking advice for the best shoes, apparel, and nutrition. One upside to 2020: it was neat to observe more folks up and running, literally.

As I noted in my August post Running and COVID-19, this spike in running was clearly observed at public open spaces. For example, Front Range metro Denver parks and trails such as Deer Creek Canyon, Mt. Falcon, Green Mountain, etc. were suddenly inundated with hikers and runners. And let me tell you, these places were already popular long before COVID. Such increase in usage led to closures for several such recreation areas.
2020: My Year in Running
When it became clear that most running events were to be cancelled or go virtual, I just kept with my normal routine of running 3-4 times a week. As I was furloughed for a month and a half, I decided I ‘d use the time to further increase mileage, but alas! I was thwarted, by retrocalcaneal bursitis. Isn’t that a fun word? In a nutshell, I experienced sharp pain at the edges of both heels, as the bursa, or tiny fluid filled sacs that serve as cushion, were irritated. The pain was especially evident when running uphill…and as I much prefer running uphill than downhill, this may have been the cause of the issue. I experienced zero pain in my Achilles tendons, and (luckily) no pain on the underside of my heels (indicative of plantar fasciitis). But still, the pain sidelined me for several weeks. To combat the condition, I stretched my legs even more consistently, noticing the pain lessened especially when I stretched my calves. I am pain free now, but in retrospect, I wonder if a Strasbourg sock, used to treat plantar fasciitis, would have helped as well…

I was wearing low to zero drop shoes when the pain first started, and I wonder if this is suspect. Once the pain went away mid-summer, I reverted back to traditional, high drop running shoes, such as Brooks Ghost, with a 12mm offset. Since then I’ve noticed no pain or irritation. The lowest drop I’ve worn since is Brooks Pure Cadence, with 4mm offset.
2020: 10 Years of Running

One good thing about 2020: the year marked a decade since I’d first fallen in love with running. I even remember the exact date: November 18, 2010, the day I ran 3 miles for the first time. That day I discovered that not only could I run, but I enjoyed it. And so a new passion was born; you can read all about in my post Run Run Run. As I am such a running dork, on the 10th anniversary of that day I ran Serpent’s Trail in Colorado National Monument, to celebrate. 🙂
Virtual Races

I’d resigned myself to the fact that I wouldn’t race at all in 2020, but in November and December, I ran the Turkey Trot and Santa “Cause” 5K with my adventure tribe! Both races had gone virtual, so my friends and I ran them together on our own. For both races we ran along Riverside Trail, with Jamie and Shanin marking out the route and turnaround points with chalk. With Turkey Trot my friend Jamie completed her first 10k! 🙂 I love seeing folks progress on their running journey!

And my Mom participated in her first ever 5k, with the virtual Santa “Cause” Run. This race is especially fun as runners are provided a Santa suit when you register. The weather was especially beautiful the day of that run, and as I PR’ed, shaving 12 seconds off my previous fastest 5k time, I was the fastest female overall in this event. The Santa Cause Run truly was a great kickoff to the holiday season. 🙂

2020 wasn’t my highest mileage year, but I still had a great time trail and road running, once I was pain free. And I ran my first ever virtual races, with a great crew of people. 🙂 It was especially heartwarming for me to walk alongside my Mom the last half mile towards the finish line. It was a great experience for her and she told me several times how much fun it was. 🙂
One thing I accomplished in 2020, per my goals in Run Report: A Look Back, and 2020 Running Goals, was that I started mountain biking again. I was even participating in the Great Cycle Challenge, which raises money to fight childhood cancer, with my goal to ride 200 miles. I ended up raising over $100, but unfortunately, I was unable to meet my mileage goal, as I totaled my bike: I swerved to avoid a deer that had suddenly jumped in my path, and hit a big rut that sent me and my bike face first into the dirt. Luckily, I came out only bruised, but my trusty Trek of 15+ years is finally done. 🙁 Time for a new bike, I’m thinking full suspension…
2021 Goals

For 2021, I’d love to run a half marathon again! As of this writing, Grand Valley Half Marathon is scheduled for May…will it go virtual? I guess we’ll see. My main running goal for now is to run consistently, and so far I have, having run nearly everyday this first week of January. A few days ago I ran 10 miles in 1 hr. 28 min., and it felt easy. I plan on running 13.1 miles–my own half–sometime soon. Just as with 2020, we’ll see how this new year unfurls…Fortunately, we now have the vaccine! Regardless of whether I race virtually or not, I know running is always there for me. As I like to say, a runner’s got to run!