MAY! One of my all time favorite months. Everything just keeps getting greener, it’s warm, the clouds low and puffy in the sky. I seized the glorious weather of today to run another solo half marathon. It was sooo glorious out that I didn’t even bother checking what my time was; I know it took about the same time as other solo/ training half marathon runs. Gotta admit, it was nice not to concern myself with time. Instead, I just took in the beautiful foothills and this run by far has been the most…well, relaxing run! Think me crazy for thinking a half as relaxing, but such is the magic of May in the CO foothills. It is paradise on earth, so much so you almost forget that a season such as winter even exists. Yes yes, dramatic I know, but late spring/ early summer is such a beautiful, hopeful time. It is a season of rebirth, of renewal, of freedom. When I was in school, the air itself felt restless with anticipation when May swung around. As any student knows, all you think about is summer. With everything looking more summery outside, it’s difficult to focus on final exams and projects. One of my favorite May memories as a child was my last day of 3rd grade. As the final bell rang, I bounded out the classroom with denizens of kids whooping it was summer time! Making my way across the athletic field behind the school, my friend Susan and I started hollering in turn: IT’S SUMMER! I was so jubilant that I started spinning around, feeling the tug of gravity as I held my backpack in one hand. I spun around so violently that I nearly toppled over in the freshly mowed grass. My voice was hoarse from yelling, and I was free. Memories like that stay with you forever. I freakin’ love MAY!